The first thing I'm going to tell you is exactly what I have told the hundreds of people who have sat down opposite me for the past 10 years. Take a deep breath! You have come to the right place. Yes, I have taught economics, history, sociology, philosophy, politics, literature, and a few more in the capacious halls of the Liberal Arts. Yes I can help you with these subjects, but that's not why you are here. You are here because you have a writing problem. You've been to the lectures, read the books, downloaded some good stuff that you think might help. But you don't know quite where to start, right?
Good! Realizing that is the first part of wisdom. The second part is to hit and tell me about it. I will get back as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you're in a hurry just pick up the phone and I'll tell you how we can get started on your problem. Yes, even if tomorrow is the day. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. For information on fees and services click on "SERVICES & RATES"
Ph.D / Master Thesis,
Personal Statements for University Admission
The Writer's Coach provides professional writing service for research, commercial, and entertainment purposes. Clients include professional and commercial corporations, students, and screen writers. |
Call The Writer's Coach : 1-310-4522865 (Santa Monica, California)
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Last updated
by The Writer's Coach on February 01, 2009